Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Redo Husbands Ottoman


Happy Looking Ottoman

I finally completed the ottoman that I have been working on for a month. All it took was for me to go to the store and pick up more staples. I'm super excited how it turned out and you will never guess where I got the fabric.

I went to the Deseret Industries ( DI ) for my weekly adventure looking for fabric when I came across this thick curtain that could be used to upholster my husband sad looking ottoman. Well what do you think?

This is the Before, see how sad it looks.

These are past upholstery jobs that I have done.

                                     Love Seat redo now in my living room. 2012

Before 2011
In our house this is known as our reading chair.
I don't do many upholstery re dos because they take me so much time to take out all the staples out. But when I'm done with a project I am sure happy I took all that time to make something in my house look amazing.
Have fun Crafting

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