Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Carboard Pirate Ship

What I made for my Boys for Christmas

I looked at a number of site that had made carboard pirate ships. But I didn't see anything I liked. So I just started and this is what I came up with. Let me tell that my boys loved it and they wish it was still around but they ship wreck it about everyday so the it broke in a few weeks.
The mast was made from Carboard tubes that you put posters in. I ended up using 3 of them for the main one and a tube and a half for the angled pole. I used 2 curtain rods to tie the sails to we made holes in the mast to punch the rods through to hold them on better.

One carboard tube cut in half to make 2 cannons that my boys could push toys through. My little one ended up sitting there and sticking both his hands through.

The steering wheel I put on the back of the boat so there was still room to play inside the boat. I found a huge plastic screw in my supplies that had a plastic wing nut that came with it. I helped hold the wheel on and also had enough give to spin around.

Instead of stocking I made these Carboard Treasure boxes that held most of there presents and snacks. These were really easy to make.
Here are a couple of the links I looked at before beginning my project. My boys just love everything about Christmas. Have Fun Crafting!

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